

We strive to make sure your concerns are heard and that your pet’s needs have been thoroughly explored.

Dr. Mike Stanford is a 1998 graduate of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine. After practicing in Virginia, British Columbia, and California, he’s moved with his wife, Jana, to be near family and grandchildren in Northwest Arkansas.

Certified in Veterinary acupuncture, food therapy, Veterinary Medical Manipulation (chiropractic care), Dr. Mike is in the master’s of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine program at Chi University in Florida where he’ll be finishing additional certifications in herbal medicine, Tui-na (therapeutic massage), as well as palliative and end of life care.

Dr. Stanford

Work with

Dr. Mike

  • TCVM Consultation

    Rather than focus on symptoms, Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) looks for the underlying pattern of dysfunction.

  • Hospice and Palliative Care

    Palliative and hospice care seeks to relieve discomfort, relieve distress, and maintain the highest quality of life for as long as we are able.

  • Client Events

    Check back frequently to see what we are doing in your area

Improving Health Through food

TCVM Food Therapy

Just as a house is only as strong as the foundation it is built upon, the health of the body relies on the foundation we create with the foods we eat.  By thoroughly evaluating a pet’s diet we can gain insight into the issues it is currently facing. In the same vein, we can manipulate health by choosing better ingredients or preparation methods.

Schedule a consultation


Interested in giving Food Therapy a try? Check back every so often. We’ll be putting new recipes up for you and your pets

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